The Importance of Cursive Handwriting A to Z

Handwriting is a fundamental skill that has been taught in schools for centuries. However, with the rise of digital technology and the increasing use of keyboards, the art of cursive handwriting has been slowly fading away. In this article, we will explore the importance of cursive handwriting from A to Z, and why it should still be taught and practiced in schools today.

The History of Cursive Handwriting

Cursive handwriting has a rich history that dates back to ancient civilizations. The word "cursive" comes from the Latin word "currere," which means "to run." This style of writing is characterized by its flowing, connected letters, which are written without lifting the pen or pencil from the paper.

One of the earliest examples of cursive handwriting can be found in ancient Egypt, where scribes used a script called hieratic to write on papyrus. This script was faster and more efficient than the hieroglyphic script, which was more time-consuming and required more space.

In the Middle Ages, cursive handwriting became even more prevalent with the development of the Carolingian script. This script was widely used in Europe and served as the basis for many modern handwriting styles.

The Benefits of Cursive Handwriting

While cursive handwriting may seem like a relic of the past, it offers numerous benefits that are still relevant today. Here are some of the key advantages of learning and practicing cursive handwriting:

  • Improved Motor Skills: Writing in cursive requires fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. By practicing cursive handwriting, children can develop and refine these skills, which can have a positive impact on their overall dexterity.
  • Enhanced Cognitive Abilities: Research has shown that cursive handwriting stimulates different parts of the brain compared to typing. It engages both the left and right hemispheres, which can improve memory, comprehension, and critical thinking skills.
  • Increased Writing Speed: Cursive handwriting is generally faster than printing or typing. This can be particularly beneficial in situations where speed is important, such as taking notes in class or during exams.
  • Improved Handwriting Legibility: Cursive handwriting is often more legible than print, as the connected letters help to create a smoother flow of writing. This can be especially helpful for individuals with dyslexia or other learning disabilities.
  • Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Cursive handwriting is a part of our cultural heritage and has been used for centuries to record important historical documents. By learning and practicing cursive, we can preserve this tradition and connect with our past.

The Decline of Cursive Handwriting

Despite its many benefits, cursive handwriting has been on the decline in recent years. The increasing use of digital devices and the emphasis on typing skills in schools have contributed to the diminishing importance placed on cursive handwriting.

In fact, many schools have stopped teaching cursive altogether, focusing solely on keyboarding skills. This shift has sparked a debate among educators and parents about the value of cursive handwriting in the modern world.

The Case for Teaching Cursive Handwriting

While it is true that typing skills are essential in today's digital age, cursive handwriting should not be overlooked or abandoned. Here are some compelling reasons why cursive handwriting should still be taught in schools:

  • Historical Significance: Cursive handwriting is deeply rooted in our history and culture. By learning cursive, students can connect with the past and gain a deeper appreciation for the written word.
  • Personal Expression: Cursive handwriting allows individuals to express their unique personality and style. It adds a personal touch to letters, notes, and other forms of written communication.
  • Signature Development: A signature is a unique representation of an individual's identity. By learning cursive, students can develop their own distinctive signature, which is often required for legal documents and other important forms.
  • Artistic Value: Cursive handwriting is considered an art form by many. It can be aesthetically pleasing and can enhance the beauty of handwritten documents, invitations, and other creative projects.
  • Improved Reading Skills: Research has shown that children who learn cursive handwriting have better reading skills compared to those who only learn to print. The connected letters in cursive help to reinforce letter recognition and word comprehension.

Teaching Cursive Handwriting in Schools

Given the numerous benefits of cursive handwriting, it is important to ensure that it is still taught in schools. Here are some strategies that educators can use to incorporate cursive handwriting into the curriculum:

  • Start Early: Introduce cursive handwriting at an early age, preferably in the early elementary years. This allows students to develop their skills gradually and build a strong foundation.
  • Practice Regularly: Provide students with ample opportunities to practice cursive handwriting. Incorporate it into daily activities, such as writing assignments, note-taking, and even art projects.
  • Provide Resources: Supply students with cursive handwriting worksheets, practice books, and other resources that can help them improve their skills. Encourage them to practice at home as well.
  • Individualized Instruction: Recognize that each student learns at their own pace. Provide individualized instruction and support to those who may be struggling with cursive handwriting.
  • Integrate Technology: While cursive handwriting is important, it should not be taught in isolation. Integrate technology into the curriculum to ensure that students develop both typing and handwriting skills.


Cursive handwriting may be an ancient art, but its benefits are still relevant in today's digital world. By teaching and practicing cursive handwriting, we can enhance fine motor skills, stimulate cognitive abilities, and preserve our cultural heritage. While typing skills are important, cursive handwriting should not be overlooked or abandoned. It is a valuable skill that can enrich our lives and connect us with our past.


1. Is cursive handwriting still taught in schools?

Many schools have stopped teaching cursive handwriting, focusing solely on typing skills. However, there is a growing movement to reintroduce cursive handwriting into the curriculum.

2. Does cursive handwriting improve reading skills?

Yes, research has shown that children who learn cursive handwriting have better reading skills compared to those who only learn to print. The connected letters in cursive help to reinforce letter

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